Born and raised in North Texas, Santora has a special place in her heart for the Lone Star State, but her interests have carried her to both coasts of the United States and various regions of the world. Lucy Santora is an Analyst for Simon Everett in New York City. Her work focuses on strategies for governments and private entities engaged in cyberspace and ICT who are seeking to promote security and increase economic development. She attended the University of Southern California, from which she earned a Bachelors of International Relations and Masters of Public Diplomacy. Outside of her vigorous foreign affairs involvement, Santora wrote her first book which takes a non-partisan approach to voting rights and trends in the United States. The work, titled Ballot Boxing, is available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. When she’s not indulging her professional passions, Santora can be found hiking, looking for the best pizza, or between the pages of an adventure novel (usually in that order).
My Story
Pacific Council on International Policy
Our mission—to enhance the West Coast’s impact on issues of global importance—means that we are most effective when we engage leaders across industries and sectors to share new perspectives and ideas. Santora was previously a Junior Fellow at PCIP and has been a member since 2020. Her involvement centers on “local to global” initiatives.
Public Diplomacy Council
The Public Diplomacy Council is a nonprofit organization that promotes excellence in the professional practice, academic study, and advocacy for public diplomacy. Based in the United States, we focus on the U.S. Government, especially the State Department and U.S. international broadcasting, but we also observe and learn from the experience of other nations. Santora was…
Institut de Diplomatie Publique
Institut de diplomatie publique/Instituto de diplomacia publica is an independent, non-governmental membership voluntary research organization, formed in the United Kingdom and registered under the provisions of the Companies Act 2006, dedicated to facilitating the global exchange of information and knowledge in the field of public diplomacy. Santora has been a professional member since 2021.
John Quincy Adams Society
The John Quincy Adams Society (JQA) is a national network of scholars focused on U.S. foreign policy, with a centering vision of restraint. Santora was an inaugural Marcellus Policy Fellow, JQA’s highly selective program for developing leaders of statecraft.

Be true to yourself.

Santora’s journey through education and career has been fueled by a passion for unraveling complex problems. She thrives on rallying stakeholders around ambitious goals, crafting innovative approaches, and inspiring teams to decisive action. Infused with natural energy, she channels this vitality into cultivating partnerships founded on trust and mutual understanding. More than anything, she loves connecting with other analytical thinkers who are dedicated to driving meaningful change – if that’s you, please don’t hesitate to reach out!